IMBG NASU is very active in international cooperation. For many years IMBG scientists collaborate successfully with their foreign colleagues from France, Germany, USA, Great Britain, Poland, Italy, Greece, Japan and other - about 34 countries in total. IMBG was involved in the EU Framework programs starting from FP5:

  • FP5 - ECS - European collaborative study on pregnant HIV-infected women and their children (2000-2004) – Subcontractor of Department of Obstetrics Gynecology, Odessa Regional Hospital, Odessa
  • FP6 - IMPRESMAN-COEUR4LIFE - Improving project & research management skills in third countries to stumulate their cooperation with Europe for life- sciences (2004-2006) - Subcontractor to UKRAINIAN ASSOCIATION OF INTERNAL MEDICINE (Prof. Vasyl NETIAYHENKO)
  • FP7 - CHERISH - Improving diagnoses of mental retardation in children in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia through genetic characterisation and bioinformatics/-statistics (2009-2012) – participant Prof.Liudmila Livshyts, IMBG NASU

FP7 International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) projects:

  • Nanosensors based on nanomaterials (NANOBIOSENS) (2009 –2011)
  • Integrated nanomaterials and nanodevices (NANODEV) (2013 – 2015)
  • Micro/nanosensors for early cancer warning system - diagnostic and prognostic information (SMARTCANCERSENS) (2013 – 2016)
FP7 ERA-WIDE project: “Strengthening cooperation in Molecular Biomedicine between EU and UKRAINE” (COMBIOM, #294932 2011-2015)

  • Horizon 2020 Programme, EU-ERASMUS+ project UPDATEST ”Training professionals and students on new testing technologies for the food sector” (2016-2018) (Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices). Coordinator: José Belenguer, AINIA CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO, Valencia, Spain

In 2020, IMBG becomes a part of the Waste2Fresh project, funded by EC: Innovation Action “Smart innovative system for recycling wastewater and creating closed loops in textile manufacturing industrial processes” GA# 958491, 2020-2023.

IMBG has also many other international grants including those of CNRS, NATO, STCU, SCOPES, earlier - Welcome Trust, Howard Hughes etc.

In strongly competitive call H2020-WIDESPREAD-2020 (success rate 13%), IMBG won the BIONANOSENS project, «Deeping collaboration on novel biomolecular electronics based on “smart” nanomaterials» #951887 - the only project from Ukraine, funded in 2020 within this work program.

Project Coordinator
Prof. Sergiy Dzyadevych,
IMBG Zabolotnogo 150, Kyiv, Ukraine

Project Manager
Dr Yanina Mishchuk,
IMBG Zabolotnogo 150, Kyiv, Ukraine

The BIONANOSENS project (2020-2023) is devoted to the development of the operational network of EU and Ukrainian scientists and innovators aimed at the IMBG positioning as an international Centre for Excellence in analytical biotechnology also beyond national borders. Corresponding IMBG Strategy will be developed in the project`s frames.

Implementation of the BIONANOSENS project will be fulfilled with the support of 4 high-profile research and innovation (R&I) institutes from Europe, which, together with IMBG form the BIONANOSENS consortium:

UCBL – Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1,
France (Prof. Abdelhamid Errachid-el-Salhi,
Prof. Nicole Jaffrezic-Reno)
HZDR - Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf,
Germany (Dr. Denys Makarov)
ZSI - Zentrum für Soziale Innovation,
Austria (Gorazd Weiss, Philipp Brugner)
LIP – Lyon Ingénierie Projets, France
(Javier Olaiz, Patricia Odet)

BIONANOSENS implements tailor-made twinning actions helping to build and strengthen capacities at the beneficiary’s end. Both the overall goal of the project and the single objectives related to it are taking into full account IMBG’s current operational situation. Among these objectives there are following ones:

  • to establish institutional grant management procedures,
  • better access to international networks,
  • project proposal writing services,
  • promotion and training of young researchers,
  • service and facilitation to the dissemination and exploitation of research results etc.

For Ukrainian stakeholders, strengthening IMBG competitiveness in corresponding research area will be a case of successful story of effective involvement in ERA, improving IMBG responses to the socio-economic needs of Ukraine. Several actions aimed at increasing of IMBG visibility in Ukraine and in ERA also are planned.

BIONANOSENS further exploits the findings of a SWOT analysis, which was conducted for IMBG as part of the COMBIOM project #294932 (FP7).

Also, a new SWOT analysis will be performed in the BIONANOSENS project`s frames.

Click here to watch the video presentation

All activities are carried out against the state-of-the-art standards in managing EU-funded R&I projects – including Responsible Research and Innovation, gender balance, open access (data management, Intellectual Property management), exploitation and commercialization orientation, and ethics.